
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

People First, Performance Now!!

Ansel Adam - The Tetons and the Snake River (1942)
(This is one of my fav photo. Just so blissful and tranquil)

First of all i would like to say sorry for the long silence. It has been a really busy and dilemma week for me indeed. And i think this will be my last or second last posting. Sad case for me. Sob sob. Maybe someone will take over this blog - i am not sure still. Still undecided yet but i am taking the worse case scenario. This blog will turn into some posting of products and etc only.

The real purpose i am creating this blog is to bridge the gap between ML and their customers. Somehow i think it will be successful if one can water this plant and shower it with love everyday for a year or two more. Very ambitious of me huh? Or silly? Hahahaa.

I always think each business will have some minor issue that make it hard to go a little further. Well ML is no exception. (this is merely my point of view ya. who am i to say that ML is not doing well after all it have been here for more than a decade and been expanding leap and bound every year) Its vice versa too honestly. ML not looking hard enough for the improvements and customers not able to understand the nature of this business. Maybe i can identify all this because i am standing at the middle of everything. Things are certainly clearer for me. Again i might be wrong again ya. Just sharing my point of view.

One will say i am more to corporate. Am i? Or am i talking bs? But i always believe that you need to put customer first then only your business will grow. This is because more and more customer are getting / buying parts from you. Not sure how to put it in words but what i am trying to say is - you will see success in the later year if the formula are right.

In this new era, buying parts or doing comparison are very easy so if one company need to survive they must have "value added services". Things that make them coming back for more even though your prices keep on increase. A lot of people nowadays do not mind to pay a little bit more if the services, the presentation, the quality, the communication which are given are top notch. (In this argument - we take out the "availability" equation from the argument ya)

Just look at "Ikea". I always think that their business model are superb. Their products ain't cheap and the quality ain't any better than those outside but still they are doing very very good. They are really putting people's first. You can send back the item if you don't like it, warranty or many more which i don't aware of. If you want i can name thousands of international brand that putting people's first. Be it Acer, Sony, Nokia and Apple and etc. But of course their approach are somehow different.

So in a way, i always hope people will be proud when buying from ML and will always recommend their friends to come here because of all the above factor. And in a way i want this blog to function the same too. Sales person will not tell you much because they need to do sales. So its up for the management in a way. Maybe i failed here to convey my message but at least i tried. =)

Anyhow enough grumbling. ML is doing good and it is moving in the right direction. Maybe not perfect but they are improving.

In a way they are doing very good such as :
- providing customer needs (demand)
- providing jobs opportunities
- contribute to malaysia economy
- indirect sector contribution etc food. logistic. transportation. f&b. etc
- recycling used parts.

It is certainly sad again for me that i can't continue this blog. Tonnes of things that i want to share and etc. One of my europe friend told me this blog is good - at least we know everything from the inside. Its like looking things at the other perspective. =)

Lastly a little bit of favour - if you think this blog are good for you. Please ask ML to keep on blogging and sharing the insights.

Or maybe perhaps telling them how good the previous blogger is. Ask them to built a statue of me in from of ML so that i will be remembered until the end of time. Hahahaha. Thanks a million.


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