
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Introducing the new e-commerce website - with online payment included

Yes its me. I am in charge of maintaining the website, new media and also the direction ML sales are going. Sort of like marketing + advertising kinda job. If you ask me whether it is nice job i would say yes it is but my package are really like a bundle. You tend to know and cover lots of things but at the same time it really nothing. All merely at the surface only.

And i believe many of you know that when you are buying things in won't always be good right? Out of the 10 apples you are buying definitely at least one will be rotten. But hey you can't complain as it does come cheap. You can't expect much don't you? Agree? So same case applicable to me...when you are not good at what you are doing then you can't bargain. Hahaha you can pm me if you want to know what i am getting for my salary. Definitely not here ya or else i will be chopped. Lol. If you are good at what you are doing like other staff here then its different stories. ML have been treated them very well. =)

My company do have vacancy now for sales person and if you are interested then please apply. It is not as glamorous job as you might think it is. No babes. no cool cars and certainly no party like you have seen in movies (if you think it is then congratulations! you have been brainwashed) but again it is a nice good job. You tend to learn a lot here really and AGAIN it is a good good job. So please apply.

Anyhow back to the main topic....ok so i have proposed to my company that we should introduces e-commerce website with online payment facilities. Many are still doubting whether it is workable here in malaysia afterall it is USED auto parts. I am not 100% sure myself but i do know online sales are uptrending and its very potential. So we don't mind being the first few that introduces this system in malaysia especially in used auto parts sector. I believe with enough patient, hardwork and research it can be realized. What do you it workable?

Having said that - our online shop is on progress now. You will be expecting a complete e-commerce website with payment gateway very soon. Probably in 2-3 weeks time only. The prices that we offer here definitely very cheap. We want to promote this healthy and potential system so we will put the lowest price possible.

And for overseas customer - kindly check with us on the shipping freight before you proceed to transfer us the money! There are few other things that we need to clarify beforehand. It is very much appreciated. Thank you very much.

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