
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Part 1 : Drag and Drift Shop in Sunway

Honestly i can't recalled the first day i am working in ML. But if i am not mistaken it should be around August four years ago. Hmmm that really makes me among the seniors in ML.

But there are lots more staff here working longer than me of course. And some have been here for a life span of about 10 years ++. Now that is what i call long long time. I am merely a peanut compare to them. Hahaha they have spend all their young age here...contributing their knowledge, ideas and hardwork to this company and successfully position this company to where it should be now. Quite an achievement really and many of them have been rewarded very well too. Sometimes i do envy them for what they have been through and acknowledged.

And over the years many ideas are presented to the bosses of ML but none have really gone through (though my bosses always said they are always open for ideas or suggestions). Do they? =P Maybe in their perception we are still young and green, and never have that much of experience in this industry. Well maybe they are right or maybe there are wrong. Very subjective of course. But if you ask me personally i would say one shouldn't measure people by their age or etc. We are young kids so we are moving in faster pace. Agree? And i believe my colleagues have presented many good ideas over the years. Some are very very good and its a sure win!! But still the final decision is up to the bosses of course. After all we are just work for living.

Anyhow and anyhow last year - after much persuasion i must idea does go through. The proposal have been approved and yes that's we had another shop/branch in Sunway - Drag and Drift Performance. It is open only last month July and so far it has been very encouraging.

Will cover more about this shop in the next post. Need to do work now. =)

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